

Saturday 2 December 2023

Every man is indeed bound to do what he can ..... Rene Descartes ..... AKSHR

Every man is indeed bound to do what he can 

to promote the good of others, 

and a man who is of no use to anyone is strictly worthless.


In this world we live, where all men must strive,

To help each other, to survive and thrive,

For every hand that reaches out in need,

Is a chance for us to show our creed.


We must lend a helping hand, a listening ear,

A shoulder strong, to dry away their tears,

For every life is precious, and worth our care,

And those who cannot help, are lost in despair.


So let us stand as one, united we stand,

Against the forces that would tear us down,

Let love and kindness be our guiding light,

And fill our hearts with joy and mirth tonight.


For when we lift each other up, we rise,

And every man becomes a shining prize,

Worth more than gold or treasures great,

When we give hope, and open doors to fate.


So let us strive to make a difference,

In every moment, every day,

For every man is valuable, and worthy of our time,

And together we can change the world, in its prime.


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