

Saturday 2 December 2023

A state is better governed which has few laws, ..... Rene Descartes ..... AKSHR

A state is better governed which has few laws, 

and those laws strictly observed.

In states where laws are scarce and pure in thought,

Where rules are kept to a minimum, not fraught,

Governance thrives, like a well-tended vine,

With order maintained, peace of mind divine.


The people live free from needless strife,

Their rights untrammelled, life a joyful rife,

For laws that are few, yet strict in their sight,

Bring harmony, banish endless fight.


Justice flows like a crystal clear stream,

Unfettered by red tape, it does gleam,

Corruption cannot hide its face,

In this land of freedom, grace.


So let us strive for less law, but more right,

And govern ourselves with all our might,

For in this way we'll find true delight,

In a state where laws are few, but just in sight.


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