

Saturday 2 December 2023

If I simply refrain from making a judgment in cases ..... Rene Descartes .... AKSHR


If I simply refrain from making a judgment in cases where I do not perceive the truth with sufficient clarity and distinctness, then it is clear that I am behaving correctly and avoiding error.



In the realm of knowledge, there lies a test

To discern what's true from what's but a quest

For if we judge without full understanding

Our errors will mount, our wisdom unraveling


We must hold our tongues, keep silent still

Lest we speak words that bring no peace or skill

For when we judge without clear sight

Our judgments are but a fleeting light


So let us wait, let us ponder long

Until the truth reveals its noble song

And only then shall we speak out loud

With voices pure, without a single cloud


For in this way, we'll find the path to right

Avoiding Error's dark and endless night

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