

Saturday 2 December 2023

Travelling is almost like talking with those of other centuries....... Rene Descartes ..... AKSHR

Travelling is almost like talking with those of other centuries.


Travelling is like speaking with souls of old,

Whispers from times long past, stories untold.

In far-off lands, we find familiar tales,

Of love, loss, joy, and heartbreak, without fail.


The roads we wander, the paths we choose,

Lead us to secrets, hidden in ancient muse.

Each step we take, each breath we draw,

Connects us to lives that once were law.


Through mountains high and valleys low,

We hear the whispers of our ancestors’ flow.

They guide us on our journey through time,

And show us truths that only they can divine.


In every land we visit, we find,

A piece of history, entwined with kind.

The sights we see, the people we meet,

Are threads in tapestries, so intricate and sweet.


So let us travel, let us roam,

For in each place, we find a home.

Wherever we go, we carry within,

The echoes of those who lived before, and kin.


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