

Saturday 2 December 2023

..... body is by nature always divisible, and the mind is entirely indivisible. .... Rene Descartes ..... AKSHR

There is a great difference between mind and body 

insomuch as body is by nature always divisible, 

and the mind is entirely indivisible.


In slumbering sleep, the body bends and twists,

A fragile form, susceptible to all wounds and grips.

But deep within the mind, a fortress stands tall,

Indivisible and strong, unyielding to them all.


The body's parts can break and fade away,

Leaving naught but shadows of what once they played.

But the mind remains, a steadfast light,

Unbroken, untainted, in endless sight.


The body's strength is fleeting, short-lived,

Subject to time and fate, it soon will leave.

But the mind's power, eternal and true,

Endures forever, an immortal hue.


In dreams, the body may take flight,

Soaring high on wings of pure delight.

But in the mind, the soul takes wing,

Forever free, forever singing.


The body's voice may whisper low,

Telling tales of days long past and slow.

But the mind speaks loud, its words like thunder,

Declaring truths that echo through the ages under.


So let us cherish this divine gift,

This citadel of thought, this towering lift.

For in the mind, we find our might,

Our refuge from the darkness of night.

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