

Thursday 17 October 2024

Live a life where at the end you will have no regrets.” Unknown ---- AKSHR

“Life is meant to be experienced. 

Put yourself out there. 

Do things you’ve never done. 

Live a life where at the end you will have no regrets.”


Oh life, a canvas so vast and wide,

A tapestry of moments, free and alive.

Do not let fear or doubt take hold,

For life is meant to be experienced, bold.


Put yourself out there, take a chance,

For it is in the unknown that we dance.

Do things you've never done, and dare,

For in the trying, we find our fair share.


Don't let the fear of failure hold,

For it is in the falling that we mold.

And when we rise, we rise anew,

With wisdom gained, and a heart that's true.


So live a life where at the end,

You will have no regrets, my friend.

For in the living, we find our way,

And in the doing, we seize the day.

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