

Saturday 4 May 2024

“The beauty and the scent of roses can be used as a medicine ” — Nikola Tesla --- AKSHR


In gardens of delight, where roses bloom and sway,

Their beauty is a balm, their scent a healing way.

The sun's rays, like golden light, do shine so bright,

A source of energy, a food for our sight.

The petals of the rose, so soft and so sweet,

Can soothe the soul, and heal the heart's retreat.

Inhale their scent, and let it fill your mind,

The beauty of the rose, will leave you so inclined.

The sun's rays, they nourish and they sustain,

Giving life to all, and driving away the pain.

Drink in the light, and let it fill your soul,

The sun's rays, they make us whole.

So let us bask in the beauty of the rose,

And let the sun's rays, be our daily dose.

For in their grace, we find our peace,

And in their beauty, our soul does release.

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