

Saturday 4 May 2024

27. “Through love, all pain will turn to medicine.” — Rumi --- AKSHR


In fields of green, where love does grow,

Pain may come, but fear not, it will go.

Through love, all pain will turn to medicine,

Healing wounds, and setting the heart free.


With every touch, with every kiss,

Love's balm does heal, and makes whole again.

Through love, all pain will turn to bliss,

Leaving scars of joy, and love's sweet gain.


In love's embrace, we find our strength,

And through love, our hearts are made whole.

Through love, all pain will turn to health,

And in love's arms, we find our soul.


So let us love, with all our might,

And let love be the medicine of our sight.

For through love, all pain will turn to light,

And in love's love, we'll find our sight.

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