

Friday 10 November 2023

Your Planet needs you. .... Celebrate An Eco-Friendly Diwali...... AKSHR

Your Planet needs you. 

Say no to Fireworks & Fumes & Celebrate 

An Eco-Friendly Diwali.


Oh, fairest of planets, so green and serene,

Your beauty is marred by firework dreams,

Fumes that choke and darken the skies,

Polluting your air, and making it die.


The cracker bursts may bring joy for a while,

But their cost is great, oh dear earthly smile,

For they spew forth emissions, so grim,

And fill your atmosphere with sin.


So let us celebrate this Diwali night,

With eco-friendly delights, pure and bright,

Shun the crackers, say no to fumes,

And light up your homes with smiles and tunes.


Let the lamps of clay or LED shine,

Their glow soft and warm, not harsh and divine,

Let the flowers bloom in gardens fair,

And the sweet scent of incense fill the air.


Together we can make a change,

For our planet's sake, rearrange,

Our ways, our habits, our traditions grand,

To keep her healthy, strong, and expand.


So come one, come all, let's unite,

Against pollution, against its might,

Let our voices rise as one cry,

For an eco-friendly Diwali sky.


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