

Friday 10 November 2023

Enjoy The Supreme Deepavali. .... A Ray Of The Inner Light ..... AKSHR


All The Lights Of The World Cannot Be Compared Even To 

A Ray Of The Inner Light Of The Self. 

Merge Yourself In This Light Of Lights And Enjoy The Supreme Deepavali.


In this world of many lights, so bright and bold,

There's one light that shines above them all, I'm told.

It's not the sun or moon, nor any star in sight,

But the inner light of self, that shines so pure and bright.


All the lights of the world may dance and play,

But they cannot compare to this light within our way.

For it's the light of knowledge, wisdom and grace,

That guides us on our journey through life's embrace.


So let us merge ourselves in this light divine,

And celebrate the deepest of Deepavalis, oh so fine.

Let the outer lights of the world fade away,

As we bask in the glow of our own inner ray.


May this supreme light illuminate our path,

And lead us to enlightenment, at last.

For when we merge with the self, we become one,

With the universe itself, under the same sun.

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