

Sunday 5 November 2023

There’s no Wi-Fi in the forest, but ..... AKSHR

There’s no Wi-Fi in the forest, 

but I promise you’ll find a better connection.

In the forest, where the trees are tall

And the wild things roam, without a call

There's no Wi-Fi to be found, no signal strong

But don't let that bring you down, my song


For in this place, where nature reigns

You'll find a connection that remains

A bond with the earth, and all its grace

A sense of peace, in this place


The trees will whisper secrets in your ear

And the wind will bring you cheer

The birds will sing, their melodies

Will fill your heart with joy and ease


So leave your devices behind, my friend

And let the forest be your trend

For in this place, you'll find a better connection

A connection to the world's perfection

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