

Sunday 5 November 2023

Nature is my medicine. ..... AKSHR

Nature is my medicine.

In nature's embrace I find my peace,

A balm for every wound and every tease.

The trees, they sway and dance with grace,

Their leaves, a gentle, soothing trace.


The flowers, they bloom in vibrant hues,

Their sweet scent, a symphony of blues.

The birds, they sing their joyful tune,

A chorus that never grows out of phase.


The wind, it whispers through the trees,

A gentle lullaby, a breeze.

The sun, it shines with warmth and light,

A healing touch, a guiding sight.


In nature's arms, I find my rest,

A refuge from the world's unrest.

The beauty of the earth, it soothes,

My soul, it heals, it makes me whole.


Nature, my medicine, my friend,

In you, I find my peace again and again.

Your beauty, your wonder, your grace,

A balm for every heart and every place.

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