

Monday 6 March 2023

What Beauty Knows _____ AKSHR

What Beauty Knows


Beautiful things don’t ask for attention.

It’s a natural occurrence, like the sun or the moon.

Things of beauty are just there.

I might be sitting in my living room, reading the paper,

and there’s a beautiful woman on TV. I look over,

but I don’t stare at her for very long.

It’s too obvious to stare at her for more than a moment.

She wouldn’t ask for it. It would be rude to stare longer than that.

My wife and son might be in the kitchen making dinner,

and there’s music playing in the background. I can hear them

laughing, and it sounds so good.

It’s a beautiful thing to be able to enjoy life,

but sometimes you don’t want to be reminded of all the beauty

in the world.

_____ AKSHR


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