

Monday 6 March 2023

The Self-Made Maps of the Human Heart ____ AKSHR

The Self-Made Maps of the Human Heart


Nature, time, and patience are the three great physicians.

- Hippocrates


1. The self-made map of the human heart is a broken thing,

a patchwork of conflicting needs and desires,

a history of choices made with fear at their hearts.

There are no straight lines here. No two people will chart it

the same way, for this map, like life itself, comes in many

shades and it is no easy thing to know oneself.

2. And yet, in the end, it is only these roads we have traveled

that have made us who we are. We cannot regret our mistakes,

our missteps, for they are what have made us strong.

It is only these maps that we can use to help others find their way.

____ AKSHR


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