

Thursday 1 December 2022

Without love we are like trees without sap. _____ AKSHR

Without love we are like trees without sap.


Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others

and the delight in the recognition.

Without love we are like trees without sap.

Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others

and the delight in the recognition.

Without love we are like trees without sap.

The leaves fall off, the trunk rots within

and soon there is only a stump remaining.

What is left is a tree that cannot feed itself,

that cannot bear fruit,

that cannot support more than its own weight.

What is left is a tree that cannot feed itself,

that cannot bear fruit,

that cannot support more than its own weight.

Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others

and the delight in the recognition.

Without love we are like trees without sap.

_____ AKSHR 


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