

Tuesday 6 December 2022

The Sailor ____ AKSHR

The Sailor 


You have absorbed me. I have a sensation at the present moment as though I was dissolving

into the air. I feel my hands and feet are growing thin and long,

like the fingers of someone who has been dead for days. My lips are dry,

and my eyes burn from staring at what is before me—the fire in the stove, the lamp,

the few stars I can see through the window. The rain continues to fall; it

is five o’clock in the morning. The house is dark, except for your light that shines through

the window, and the light from the stove. I want to touch you but I am afraid of what

might happen. You have absorbed me. I have a sensation at the present moment as though

I was dissolving into the air.

 ____ AKSHR 

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