

Thursday 22 December 2022

My Love Has A Golden Touch ____ AKSHR

My Love Has A Golden Touch


Your love shines in my heart as the sun that shines upon the earth.

Without your love, I’m not sure that it would be possible to live.

Without your love, I’d have been an empty vessel at the bottom of the sea,

A lonely ghost in a dark alleyway.

Without your love, there would be nothing but darkness and loneliness all around me.

Without your love, I would have been lost and gone forever.

I think of you on my way to work every day; when I look out my office window,

I see you smiling at me from across the street! Your smile melts my heart and makes my day;

it helps keep me warm as I go about my business indoors.

Your beautiful face lights up every room that you enter; what would we do without you?

What good is life if nobody has a smile like yours? It is the golden touch that gives us life!

Your soft voice speaks words of encouragement and hope; it tells us that there is still goodness in this world.

It shows us how wonderful things can be when they are done with kindness and compassion.

Your love shines in my heart as the sun that shines upon the earth.

Without your love, I’d be lost and gone forever.

 ____ AKSHR 

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