

Monday 24 October 2022

Time Is Distinctly an Improviser ____ AKSHR


Time Is Distinctly an Improviser


Thinking of ways,

Don't know where to begin.

Deeply confused,

Don't know what to do,

Don't know where to go,

Don't know what to say.

Without a plan,

A broken carousel.

A voice inside says: Go with the flow.


All is lost, all is gained, everything begins anew.

Without a plan,

The season turns late and you wonder where it went.

You remember when time was distinctively an improviser—

when it wasn’t your enemy.

It was making plans for you like a good parent would do;

helping you find your way through the fog of uncertainty;

it was free-spirited and it made sure that things turned out fine.


It didn’t count down the days from one hundred like a prison sentence.


Don't know how to start or how to finish or how to get out of this mess.

Don't know where to go,

Don't know what to say.

Don't know how to start or how to finish or how to get out of this mess.

Don't know when you'll see the end in sight.

It doesn’t seem so far away, and yet it's still too near.

The time is distinctly an improviser— all is lost, all is gained, 

everything begins anew.

____ AKSHR

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