

Monday 24 October 2022

Room to Grow _____ AKSHR

Room to Grow


And in the heart's garden,

we find the room to be ourselfs,

to grow and bloom.


This isn't a game.

I'm not trying to be cute.

Without a doubt, I know that I am

the most important human being 

on the face of this earth.

Without fear, 

I speak my mind and soul into reality.

Because I have the courage to do so, 

because of my strength to be genuine,

I will get what's coming to me -- 

all the good things in life.

I don't care if it takes another lifetime; 

I will find my peace with myself first.

So that when others look at me and smile, 

it's because they're happy for me.

So that when I look in the mirror, 

I see myself.

I am dignified, free, and beautiful.

I am enough.

_____ AKSHR

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