

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Don't know what but it's killing me ____ AKSHR

Don't know what but it's killing me 


Without you here to hold me 

it doesn't feel like love


I don't know if it's real 

or a kind of sickness


But I do know that 

when you're not around


My whole body feels like 

it's going to fall down


and my heart feels like 

it has been poisoned by something


Don't know what but it's killing me

 ____ AKSHR 


The Last Farewell _____ AKSHR

The Last Farewell


Music I heard with you was more than music

and bread I broke with you was more than bread.

Without you, it’s all empty action.

The stars go on in their courses,

but I am lost.

I don’t know where to start in living again.

You are like the setting sun-my eyes follow you

until they are too tired to see.


If only love could be what we wanted it to be! 

If only life could give back what it promised at its beginning...

But I have given up expecting anything from life except this: 

that it will go on and that I will go on.

_____ AKSHR


There is no anesthesia for what you do _____ AKSHR

There is no anesthesia for what you do


There is no anesthesia for what you do:

you hold me open with your hands, 

in front of yourself,

and I am the one who screams.

There is no anesthesia for how you do it:

you are the one who asks,

“Are you ready? Are you ready?”

as if asking me to read the script.

There is no anesthesia for what I do:


Blind Light ____ AKSHR

Blind Light


And the sunlight clasps the earth, 

And the moonbeams kiss the sea – 

What are all these kissings worth 

if thou kiss not me?


... let the more loving be me ____ AKSHR


If equal affection cannot be, 

let the more loving be me


If equal affection cannot be, 

let the more loving be me


When the one who loves most is an A, 

then let the more loving be me


When the one who loves most is a B, 

then let the more loving be me

Without equal affection let love be 

enough for all and for each.

Without equal affection let love be 

enough for all and for each.

____ AKSHR


Monday 24 October 2022

The Errant Knight ______ AKSHR


The Errant Knight


Drink to me only with thine eyes, 

And I will pledge with mine; 

Or leave a kiss but in the cup, 

And I'll not look for wine.

Without that wine,those kisses are 

As sanctified as pure water to a saint.

O, if it be thy will Thy will to live and love, 

And I to be always blest!

Thy will be done! 

I do not ask for wealth or fame; 

So long as thou art true and dear, 

Nor wish for aught but thee.

_____ AKSHR

The House Of A Thousand Lanterns ____AKSHR

 The House Of A Thousand Lanterns


Love, all alike, no season knows nor clime, 

nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time


The house of a thousand lanterns


is the heart, and love is the light.

Without love the heart is a crematorium.

Love makes the whole world kin.


I saw you in your sleep, my beloved, 

lying beside me, smiling;

 I could not tell if you were awake or dreaming.

And I knew that you were mine, 
and I was yours, and that every day we live together 
is a new day for love.


A Diamond is a Crystal _____AKSHR

A Diamond is a Crystal


Beauty and Love are as body and soul. 

Beauty is the mine, Love is the diamond


From the light of the sun, a diamond is cut; 

from your eyes, what do I see? —


Beauty is the mine, 

Love is the diamond that needs a proper ending.


If you're my diamond, I'll be your gold; 

if you're my gold, I'll be your diamond.



The Rivers Dark and Deep ____ AKSHR

The Rivers Dark and Deep


Come live with me, and be my love, 

and we will some new pleasures prove

that are sweeter far than those we now enjoy.

And I will make thee beds of roses, 

and a thousand fragrant posies.

A cap of flowers, and a kirtle, 

embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;

A gown made of the finest wool which 

from our pretty lambs we pull;

And if these pleasures may thee move, 
come live with me, and be my love.

 ____ AKSHR


Time Is Distinctly an Improviser ____ AKSHR


Time Is Distinctly an Improviser


Thinking of ways,

Don't know where to begin.

Deeply confused,

Don't know what to do,

Don't know where to go,

Don't know what to say.

Without a plan,

A broken carousel.

A voice inside says: Go with the flow.


All is lost, all is gained, everything begins anew.

Without a plan,

The season turns late and you wonder where it went.

You remember when time was distinctively an improviser—

when it wasn’t your enemy.

It was making plans for you like a good parent would do;

helping you find your way through the fog of uncertainty;

it was free-spirited and it made sure that things turned out fine.


It didn’t count down the days from one hundred like a prison sentence.


Don't know how to start or how to finish or how to get out of this mess.

Don't know where to go,

Don't know what to say.

Don't know how to start or how to finish or how to get out of this mess.

Don't know when you'll see the end in sight.

It doesn’t seem so far away, and yet it's still too near.

The time is distinctly an improviser— all is lost, all is gained, 

everything begins anew.

____ AKSHR

Room to Grow _____ AKSHR

Room to Grow


And in the heart's garden,

we find the room to be ourselfs,

to grow and bloom.


This isn't a game.

I'm not trying to be cute.

Without a doubt, I know that I am

the most important human being 

on the face of this earth.

Without fear, 

I speak my mind and soul into reality.

Because I have the courage to do so, 

because of my strength to be genuine,

I will get what's coming to me -- 

all the good things in life.

I don't care if it takes another lifetime; 

I will find my peace with myself first.

So that when others look at me and smile, 

it's because they're happy for me.

So that when I look in the mirror, 

I see myself.

I am dignified, free, and beautiful.

I am enough.

_____ AKSHR

Sunday 23 October 2022

A Love Sentence ____ AKSHR

A Love Sentence


I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,

in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

Without breath, without truth,

like silence, like night

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,

indeed, between the shadow and the soul.


Without joy, without peace,

like hunger, like want

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,

indeed between the shadow and the soul.

Without honorifics or prayers,

without thinking even of tomorrow—or yesterday.

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,

indeed, between the shadow and the soul.


Without words, without knowing,

without speech or language,

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,

indeed between the shadow and the soul.

Without sight, without hearing

—yet with these senses I love you.

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,

indeed between the shadow and the soul.

____ AKSHR


Of Clouds a Hundred Miles High, Sky _____ AKSHR

Of Clouds a Hundred Miles High, Sky


Looking to the sea, it is a line

of unbroken mountains

I do not know of what.

Without words,

with shapes of clouds as they drift and change,

their shadows on the surface of the sea,

a sky a hundred miles high.

Without words but with a sky and sea,

a line of clouds a hundred miles high,

and in their changing the lines between them changes too.

Without words that is how I want my life to be:


with shapes in constant change,


looking for something – I do not know what –


not knowing where it is to be found;

without words but with something to say.

_____ AKSHR



Be Not Afraid ____ AKSHR

Be Not Afraid


Black waters, deep and dark and still . . .

all men have passed this way, or will.

You have been told the story.

I have been called upon to tell it again.

You are on a journey from which 

you will not return.

Be not afraid.

Your hands were made to hold;

to steady and to heal.

To mend what is torn and broken. 

To caress the brow of your beloved 

dying sweetly in your arms,

and cradle them into their final rest. 

No matter how hard, or far, 

or long the path may be:

Be not afraid.

____ AKSHR