

Friday 23 September 2022

A Solidarity of Owls ____AKSHR


A Solidarity of Owls


Intellectual liberty is the air of the soul, 

the sunshine of the mind and without it, 

the world is a prison, the Universe is a dungeon.

Without it, no one can think or learn.

There is no greater power than the mind of a free man

and for that man to remain free he must be vigilant.

He cannot speak openly or teach what he knows,

to any who will listen, if he wishes to remain free.

He cannot teach the joy of thinking freely in a free country

if he does not wish his thoughts to be silenced.

If he does not want his mind to be caged.

For if he speaks out, or teaches what he knows,

he is subjecting himself to persecution and punishment.

He is giving up his liberty when he refuses to learn.

He is giving up his freedom when he chooses ignorance over education.

There is no such thing as an educated slave and without it, we are all slaves.


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