

Thursday 29 September 2022

Some of us fly, some of us fall ___ AKSHR

Some of us fly, some of us fall


Emotional abuse is the leading reason for suicide victims


A forgotten necklace, a misread text


You don’t know what it’s like, but you think you do


I had to hold my friend who was sobbing in the shower

But I can’t tell you. You wouldn’t understand.



There is a fine balance between ____ AKSHR

The Presentation


There is a fine balance between 

honoring the past and losing yourself in it. everyday.


Who was this sad, exhilarating man,


this wide-eyed boy who wandered the world?


What brought him out of his body and into ours?

How does one leave a room? 

How can someone so alive be dead?


If You Keep It to Yourself, It Will Never Heal ___AKSHR

If You Keep It to Yourself, It Will Never Heal


Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.


Everyone wants to tell you how to do it,


how to stand up, how to sit down.


Everyone wants to tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing.


But no one has any idea what it is like in your shoes.


No one knows what it’s like when the fear rises up inside,


when the panic sets in, when you can’t breathe.


No one knows what it is like to stand up and go out in public.


No one knows what it is like to have to face your fears everyday.


No one knows what it is like to be afraid all the time.


So please, don’t keep it to yourself; share with other people who care.


Emotional abuse is a major epidemic in our culture ___ AKSHR




Emotional abuse is a major epidemic in our culture


Remember the last time you were told you were a good person


by someone who was not your therapist or your mother?


I don’t. I don’t remember anyone telling me that I was a good person.


In fact, they told me quite the opposite.


How could they say such a thing to me? Don’t they know what I did?


I don’t remember the last time I was told I was a good person


but I still have the scars.


Wednesday 28 September 2022

If You Feel That You Are Endangered by Your Job, Quit ___ AKSHR

If You Feel That You Are Endangered by Your Job, Quit


If you feel that you are indispensable, 

put your finger in a glass of water, 

withdraw it, and note the hole you have left.


Climb a mountain. Then come down.


If you feel that you are endangered by your job, quit.



The wealth of the world ____ AKSHR

The wealth of the world


The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth 

if you lost all your money.

Without it, you're just a man. With it, you're just a number.

The real measure of your wealth is how much money you make per hour.

Without it, you're just a man. With it, you're just a number.

The real measure of your wealth is how much money you have 

in the bank and the amount on your credit card.

Without it, you're just a man. With it, you're just a number.

The real measure of your wealth is how much money go to 

charity and how much is wasted on meaningless things?

Without it, you're just a man. With it, you're just a number.

The real measure of your wealth is what kind of car do I drive 

and what kind of house do I live in?

Without it, I'm not showin' off too much because 

I don't have that much to show for my life (what's left of this life).

With it, I'm just a number.

The real measure of your wealth is how much money you make per hour.

Without it, you're just a man. With it, you're just a number.

____ AKSHR


Of all the things you wear ____ AKSHR

Of all the things you wear


Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.

Your eyes are the sun, but your mouth is the sky.

Without a word, you can make me fall in love with you.

You say a lot with your smile but you say more with your eyes.

That’s why they’re called “windows to the soul.”

Your voice is like an instrument, and I can hear every note.

And when I hear it ring, my heart sings along.

I know that everything you wear has a purpose and a meaning;

But without your expression, you would be naked and incomplete.

____ AKSHR


A Chant for Laughter ____AKSHR

A Chant for Laughter


Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.


In laughter, the airway is opened and the heart is calmed. 

It increases pressure in the lungs and improves blood circulation.

Without it, we might forget how to breathe.


Laughter can be like a hug, a kiss or a daydream - 

an act of love, even a form of prayer.

Without it we are lost in our troubles and too serious for our own good.


Laughter is the best medicine and a good laugh

cuts through the tension like a hot knife.

Thank goodness for laughter, thank goodness for laughter.

It's the answer to all our problems.

In laughter, there is hope.



The Lunar Beauty ___ AKSHR

The Lunar Beauty


The average woman would rather have beauty than brains 

because the average man can see better than he can think.

His eyes are drawn to the curve of a neck or the swell of a breast,

and he’s thinking no thoughts, just feeling. 

And if she has those things plus long hair and smooth skin and full lips, 

then she can get away with being dull as dishwater.

 ___ AKSHR


Monday 26 September 2022

HIS LAZINESS - - Mark Kennedy

All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness. - Mark Kennedy

FUTURE GENERATIONS >>>>> Lyndon B. Johnson

“If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we got through with it.”

Lyndon B. Johnson, Former President of the United States of America

Saturday 24 September 2022

This is the Way the World Is ____AKSHR


This is the Way the World Is


Government is a trust 

and the officers of the government are trustees, 

and both the trust and the trustees are created 

for the benefit of the people

—the people, not the government.

Without trust there is no government, 

and without government we have no freedom.


Lock up your libraries if you like ___ AKSHR


Lock up your libraries if you like


Lock up your libraries if you like, 

but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that 

you can set upon the freedom of my mind.

Without paper and ink, 

without poring over dusty volumes, 

I will live.

Without books, without poems, without stories 

to take me beyond my own small life,

I will live.

Lock up your libraries if you like; 

but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set 

upon the freedom of my mind.


The Road Not Taken ___AKSHR

The Road Not Taken


New opinions are always suspected, 

and usually opposed, 

without any other reason but

because they are not common. 

Nothing can be said in their favor but 

what can be said of anything new. 

It is much easier to disparage 

than to defend them.



The Banned Book ____AKSHR

The Banned Book


There are worse crimes than burning books. 

One of them is not reading them.


If you love a book, read it. 

Read it in the morning, read it at night.


Read it while eating lunch and while waiting in line. 

Read it on the subway and on the plane. 

Read it everywhere you go.


Don't just read one book. 

Read as many books as you can.


Books are an escape from the real world, 

so don't be afraid to get lost in them.

Read all the books that you want to read.


Friday 23 September 2022

Freedom is when the people can speak, ____AKSHR




Freedom is when the people can speak, 

democracy is when the government listens.

Without freedom, 

the people listen to the government speak.

Without freedom, 

the people listen to those who have money speak.

Without freedom, 

the people listen to those who have power speak.

Without freedom, 

the people are silent and do not speak.


Freedom is when a journalist 

can write whatever he or she wants to write.

Freedom is when a journalist does not have 

to censor what he or she writes 

because of fear of death or imprisonment.

Freedom is when the people can speak, 

democracy is when the government listens.


A Solidarity of Owls ____AKSHR


A Solidarity of Owls


Intellectual liberty is the air of the soul, 

the sunshine of the mind and without it, 

the world is a prison, the Universe is a dungeon.

Without it, no one can think or learn.

There is no greater power than the mind of a free man

and for that man to remain free he must be vigilant.

He cannot speak openly or teach what he knows,

to any who will listen, if he wishes to remain free.

He cannot teach the joy of thinking freely in a free country

if he does not wish his thoughts to be silenced.

If he does not want his mind to be caged.

For if he speaks out, or teaches what he knows,

he is subjecting himself to persecution and punishment.

He is giving up his liberty when he refuses to learn.

He is giving up his freedom when he chooses ignorance over education.

There is no such thing as an educated slave and without it, we are all slaves.


Journalists - the voice of the voiceless millions ____AKSHR


The Cow


Journalists must seek and speak the truth, 

for we are the voice of the voiceless millions of the planet. 

Our mission is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable

and our responsibility is to seek truth and report it, 

for without a free press, there is no democracy. 

I will support freedom of expression and freedom of the press 

throughout my career and defend the 

rights of journalists everywhere to write and say what they think

without fear of retribution. 

I will only hold myself accountable to an ethics code that

protects rather than restricts my ability to be 

truthful in gathering, reporting and editing the news.