

Wednesday 3 August 2022

One in a Hundred _____ AKSHR

one in a hundred

Maturity is when a person hurts you
and you try to understand their situation
rather than hurting them back.

Maturity is when you live for a time
in their situation instead of blaming them.

Maturity is when you know
that you have no control.

Maturity is knowing that things will
not change and being alright with that,
that the only thing you can do is
be kind to one another.

Maturity is when you tell people
how much they hurt you because
it’s important for them to know,
and then forgive them anyway.

Maturity is realizing there are
more important things in life
than how things make you feel,
but feeling them anyway.

Maturity is when you know
how to make yourself feel better,
and still be kind to others.

Maturity is when you are
humble and generous,
when you know
what it means to be grateful.

Maturity is when you understand
that people don’t always mean
the things they say,
or want to do the things they think.

Maturity is when you are able to see
someone else’s perspective.

Maturity is understanding that
sometimes people need time or space
before they can talk about
something difficult with you.

Maturity is being honest with
yourself and your feelings,
without expecting anyone
else to change for you. 


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