

Saturday 2 July 2022

The Fourth Estate ____ AKSHR

The Fourth Estate

You can tell more
about a person
by what he says
about others than
you can by
what others say
about him.
without killing the cow,
babies are born
in a delivery room.
men work on power lines.

The Fourth Estate is the
people's right to know.
One type of bacteria
sticks to others.
There are many
kinds of kisses.

A ladybug may have
as many as twenty
spots on its back.
The Earth is covered
with water,
but half of it is salt water.
In a desert, water
can be found
if you dig deep
enough for it.
Without air,
we would die in
a few minutes
or even seconds.
People who want to
get rich quickly
are likely to
lose everything
they own and
end up having
nothing at all.


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