

Saturday 2 July 2022

Hopes and Fears The Rabbit Like ____ AKSHR

Hopes and Fears The Rabbit Like

We promise according
to our hopes
and perform according
to our fears.

Like rabbits,
we tend to avoid our fears
and pursue our hopes.

We don’t define
what we’re afraid of
but create
elaborate rationalizations
for our hopes.

There are so many things
I hope to be,
things I hope will happen.
I am afraid
they won’t happen.
I am afraid
they will happen
and then I won’t be
happy with them.

I hope I get
to be a writer
or an artist or
a business woman.
I am afraid
I will be too shy
to talk to people.

I am afraid
I’ll be too busy
with my career and
never have time for family.
I am afraid
of the future,
of what it will bring.

What are you hoping for?
What are you afraid of?


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