

Sunday 31 July 2022

Crossing the River____ AKSHR


Crossing the River

Although Math can't teach us
how to add love or minus hate,
it teaches us
that every problem has a solution
and that every solution is
an answer to a different problem.
Today, I'm going to cross the river.
The air is clear and cold,
and there's a piece of
moonlight on the water.
Even though no one's around
when I arrive,
it doesn't take long before
I've found
a group of people eager to
get across the river with me.
It only takes five minutes
to find out what we all want.
Two couples want to be together,
one pair wants space,
one person needs some time alone.
I write it down in my notebook;
this will be a problem for another day:
how do you gather people
who are so determined not to
have anything in common?


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