

Saturday 30 July 2022

Anywhere in the world ___ AKSHR

Anywhere in the world

Searching for that big
happy moment in life,
how many special little
moments we let pass us by?
How many of these
moments are the same,
and how can we make them different?
I think of the ones
I want over and over again,
but they never happen.
I know that's pathetic,
but it's true.
I don't think
I'm unique in that regard.
And if we do find one we like
—maybe it takes us a while—
we're always afraid to
let go of it because
we're afraid
we'll lose everything else;
then what would be left?
But maybe it's just life.
Maybe that's all there is.
Maybe when you get older,
happy moments stop happening,
or maybe you've just
lost sight of them because
your mind has changed.
Maybe when you're young
and in love or at a play
or listening to music
or sailing on a boat,
you're happy,
and then you grow up.
Maybe that's all there is.


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