

Sunday 31 July 2022

How much would you pay to not die?_____AKSHR


How much would you pay to not die?

People go through so much
pain trying to avoid pain.
The rich get richer
and the poor get shot,
but how much would
you pay to not die?
Without a home,
you might try to sleep in a bush,
and when someone comes
along with a gun,
you have to run
—because often the ones
who run are those who live.
Then maybe you end up
working at a store or something.
You move into an apartment
and keep your head down.
But then someone gets
shot over cigarettes,
right there on the street.
You find out all about this
because you’ve been watching
it for years.
So one day you decide
to buy a gun of your own.
Your mom cries when you tell her.
But she says,
"It’s not worth it, I know."
So you take the gun
and go out to get revenge.
You shoot someone
—you don't know who
—and they die.
And then you run away
and try to forget.
But it's hard to forget
when you're
running away from yourself.


The Grammar of Love____ AKSHR


The Grammar of Love

Let me this day know
Thee as Thou art,
love Thee supremely,
serve Thee wholly,
admire Thee fully. Through.
Let me this day know
Thy power and Thy purpose,
to be awed by Thee,
to give myself to Thee.
Without let me this day know
Thy wisdom, that
I may understand Thee,
and Thy goodness,
that I may praise Thee.


Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night____ AKSHR


Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

Stab me in the heart;
once, twice, more.
For it is your own you are stabbing;
I gave you mine to hold long ago.
No pain will be greater than
you leaving with my heart
in your hands.
Rip me apart or
hold it for eternity,
in the name of love,
I give you the power.

for love and hate, for love maybe___ AKSHR


for love and hate, for love maybe

Although Math can't teach us
how to add love or minus hate,
it teaches us that
every problem has a solution
although it may not be an equation.

Without knowing how to
subtract hate or add love,
we're left with a mystery.
Therefore, we can't solve
the problem of war and hatred.

And if there's no solution,
then we don't have any value at all.


Crossing the River____ AKSHR


Crossing the River

Although Math can't teach us
how to add love or minus hate,
it teaches us
that every problem has a solution
and that every solution is
an answer to a different problem.
Today, I'm going to cross the river.
The air is clear and cold,
and there's a piece of
moonlight on the water.
Even though no one's around
when I arrive,
it doesn't take long before
I've found
a group of people eager to
get across the river with me.
It only takes five minutes
to find out what we all want.
Two couples want to be together,
one pair wants space,
one person needs some time alone.
I write it down in my notebook;
this will be a problem for another day:
how do you gather people
who are so determined not to
have anything in common?


Saturday 30 July 2022

Anywhere in the world ___ AKSHR

Anywhere in the world

Searching for that big
happy moment in life,
how many special little
moments we let pass us by?
How many of these
moments are the same,
and how can we make them different?
I think of the ones
I want over and over again,
but they never happen.
I know that's pathetic,
but it's true.
I don't think
I'm unique in that regard.
And if we do find one we like
—maybe it takes us a while—
we're always afraid to
let go of it because
we're afraid
we'll lose everything else;
then what would be left?
But maybe it's just life.
Maybe that's all there is.
Maybe when you get older,
happy moments stop happening,
or maybe you've just
lost sight of them because
your mind has changed.
Maybe when you're young
and in love or at a play
or listening to music
or sailing on a boat,
you're happy,
and then you grow up.
Maybe that's all there is.


The Moment Before Time ____ AKSHR


The Moment Before Time

Searching for that big
happy moment in life,
how many special little
moments we let pass us by?
Not because we don’t
recognize them, but because
we do.
We let the mundane crush us.
The smog of
daily existence
suffocates our senses.
We crave a moment
that pierces through
that veil of fog
that clouds our vision,
that sees straight to the heart
of things and illuminates.
That is the moment before time.


The Road Not Taken____AKSHR

The Road Not Taken

Searching for that
big happy moment in life,
how many special little
moments we let pass us by?
The sun is bright,
the sky blue,
we are in love
and we walk to the beach.
Overhead a gull cries out.
Without thinking I look up,
and there it is: a seal
far out at sea,
smooth as glass against the waves.
He sees us watching him
and raises his head to the sun.
Off in the distance I can
hear children laughing;
they’re at play.
I take my shirt off,
you take yours off,
we dive into the ocean.
The water is cold
but it doesn’t matter.
It feels good to swim together.
We don’t know how long
we stay under water
but when we surface
the gull still cries overhead
and there is no one else
on the beach.


Your People ____ AKSHR

Your People

Business is the art of extracting
money from another man’s pocket
without resorting to violence.
Without it, you will be left
with only the latter.
The former is the one
that requires skill.

Your people are your greatest asset,
so long as they remain in your pocket.
They also know when to let go.
They are there for you when you need them;
they’re not there for you
when you don’t.
You can trust them because if
you die and leave them something,
they still won’t forget the rest of their family.


Business is the art of extracting money ......


Business is the art of extracting money

Business is the art of extracting
money from another man’s pocket
without resorting to violence.
Hence, business is not a
separate entity from violence;
it is merely a more civil
form of violence.

-Andrew M. Greeley (1926-2013)

The Tree____AKSHR


The Tree

Our eyes are placed in front
because it is more important
to look ahead than look back.


A conference on the eyes are placed in front not back ____AKSHR


A conference on the eyes are placed in front not back
Our eyes are placed in front
because it is more important
to look ahead than look back.

Without looking back,
one can move forward.

Without looking back,
we can see what is in front of us.

Without looking back
we can meet our own expectations
and the expectations of others.

Without looking back
we can find our way in the dark.

Without looking back
we can move forward.

The eyes are in front not back
because it is more important
to look ahead than look back.

Without looking back,
one can move forward.

Without looking back,
we can see what is in front of us.

Without looking back
we can meet our own expectations
and the expectations of others.

Without looking back
we can find our way in the dark.

Without looking back
we can move forward.