

Saturday 31 August 2024

Heredity provides for the modification of its own machinery. JAMES MARK BALDWIN .... AKSHR


Heredity provides for the modification of its own machinery.


Heredity is the law through which .... AMORY HOWE BRADFORD .... AKSHR


Heredity is the law through which the individual receives from his parents by birth his chief vital forces and tendencies, his physical and spiritual capital.


To exist is to have the power of manifestation. ELIZA THAYER CLAPP ... AKSHR

The fact and law of heredity is indeed one of the most mysterious elements in our complex organization, and it is difficult to state it without overstating it. We are organized beings. To exist is to have the power of manifestation.


Friday 30 August 2024

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain. ..... AKSHR

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

زندگی طوفان کے گزرنے کا انتظار کرنے کا نام نہیں ہے، بلکہ بارش میں رقص کرنا سیکھنا ہے۔

There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. ...... AKSHR

There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.

ہر چیز میں ایک دراڑ ہے، اسی طرح روشنی آتی ہے۔

The storm in a teacup is nothing compared to the storm outside. ..... AKSHR


The storm in a teacup is nothing compared to the storm outside. But it's all about perspective and how you choose to weather it.



چائے کی پیالی میں آنے والا طوفان باہر کے طوفان کے مقابلے میں کچھ بھی نہیں ہے۔ لیکن یہ سب نقطہ نظر کے بارے میں ہے اور آپ اسے کس طرح موسم کا انتخاب کرتے ہیں۔

Tuesday 27 August 2024

• "Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. .... AKSHR


"Love is the master key that 

opens the gates of happiness." 

- Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend." - Martin Luther King Jr. .... AKSHR


      "Love is the only force capable of 

transforming an enemy into a friend." 

- Martin Luther King Jr.

"Love is the emblem of eternity; ...... ." - Madame de Staël ..... AKSHR


  "Love is the emblem of eternity;

 it confounds all notion of time; 

 effaces all memory of a beginning, 

all fear of an end." 

- Madame de Staël

Sunday 25 August 2024

Sometimes reality is too complex. Fiction gives it form. —Jean-Luc Godard --- AKSHR


       Sometimes reality is too complex. Fiction gives it form.
—Jean-Luc Godard

Happy are the painters, for they shall not be lonely. — Winston Churchill. --- AKSHR


      Happy are the painters, for they shall not be lonely. Light and color, peace and hope, will keep them company to the end of the day.
— Winston Churchill.

Art is magical, but it’s not magic. — Charles Limb --- AKSHR


       Art is magical, but it’s not magic. It’s a neurological product, and we can study this neurological product the same way we study other complex processes such as language. — Charles Limb, 

Saturday 24 August 2024

“By focusing on problems when they happen (not before, not after), .... Alex Becker --- AKSHR


“By focusing on problems when they happen (not before, not after), you will have more time, energy, and mental space to see the situation for what it really is versus what could potentially happen.”

Alex Becker

Get excited about the climb and not the selfie… .” Alex Becker ---- AKSHR


“Everyone wants the selfie on top of Mount Everest. 

No one actually wants to climb it.

Get excited about the climb and not the selfie… 

and you’ll get your selfie.”

Alex Becker

“Excellence is going the extra mile.” Alex Becker --- AKSHR


“Getting healthy is like getting fat. 

Both require small daily compounding actions that lead to a lifestyle. 

You don’t become fat in one day. 

You don’t become healthy in one day. Consistency compounds.”

“Excellence is going the extra mile.”

Alex Becker

Thursday 22 August 2024

“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” ― Mitch Albom, --- AKSHR


“Death ends a life, not a relationship.”


In death's dark shadow, where fear and sorrow dwell,

A bond that's strong, a love that's true,

Can never be broken, never fade away,

For death ends a life, not a relationship.


Though the body may rest in the grave,

The heart and soul, they still engrave,

The memories of laughter, tears, and strife,

In the depths of our hearts, they take life.


The moments we shared, the dreams we had,

The secrets we kept, the love we made,

All these things, they never fade away,

For death ends a life, not a relationship.


So let us cherish the time we had,

And honor the love that made us glad,

For though death may end a life,

It cannot extinguish the love that's rife.

AKSHR 23082024

"Be a bush if you can't be a tree. ---- Martin Luther King Jr. ---- AKSHR


"Be a bush if you can't be a tree. 

If you can't be a highway, just be a trail. 

If you can't be a sun, be a star. 

For it isn't by size that you win or fail. 

Be the best of whatever you are." 

— Martin Luther King Jr.

"I believe we are here on the planet Earth to live, .... " — Rosa Parks --- AKSHR


"I believe we are here on the planet Earth to live, grow up and do what we can to make this world a better place for all people to enjoy freedom." — Rosa Parks

Tuesday 20 August 2024

• Age is just a number, but the love you've had in your life is limitless...... AKSHR


·         Age is just a number, but the love you've had in your life is limitless.

• "Old age is not a disease — ." ~ Maggie Kuhn ---- AKSHR


·         "Old age is not a disease — it is strength and survivorship, triumph over all kinds of vicissitudes and disappointments, trials and illnesses." ~ Maggie Kuhn

Thursday 15 August 2024

Self-improvement is the name of the game .... . Maxwell Maltz ..... AKSHR


Self-improvement is the name of the game, 

and your primary objective is to strengthen yourself, 

not to destroy an opponent.

Maxwell Maltz

ECO FRIENDLY : We won't have a society if we destroy the environment..... Margaret Mead .... AKSHR


We won't have a society if we destroy the environment.

Margaret Mead

SOCIAL MEDIA GROUP --- Using social media to hurt and destroy is callous, ۔۔۔۔۔۔ Martin Garrix ---- AKSHR


Using social media to hurt and destroy is callous, acted out by cowards hiding behind computers. My advice is to ignore negativity. Focus on the love around.

Martin Garrix

From the Buddhist perspective, it is impossible to build personal happiness on the sufferings of others..... AKSHR


From the Buddhist perspective, it is impossible to build personal happiness on the sufferings of others.

Happiness is to be found within your own life, in your thoughts at this very moment. .... AKSHR


Happiness is to be found within your own life, in your thoughts at this very moment. You yourself are most noble and precious. You have no need to be envious of anyone or to long for far-off things.

Friday 9 August 2024

Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary ...... Winston Churchill ----- AKSHR


Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. Winston Churchill

تنقید قابل قبول نہیں ہو تی لیکن یہ ضروری ہے۔

یہ وہ کام پورا کرتی ہے جو انسانی جسم میں درد کرتا ہے۔

غیر صحت بخش حالت کی طرف توجہ دلاتی ہے۔

 ونسٹن چرچل

Gossip involves saying behind a person’s back .... R. Kent Hughes .... AKSHR


Gossip involves saying behind a person’s back what you would never say to his or her face.  Flattery means saying to a person’s face what you would never say behind his or her back. R. Kent Hughes


گپ شپ، پیٹھ پیچھے وہ باتیں ہوتی ہیں جو آپ اس کے سامنے کبھی نہیں کہیں گے۔

چاپلوسی ،کسی شخص کے چہرے پر وہ بات کہنا جو آپ اس کی پیٹھ کے پیچھے کبھی نہیں کہیں گے۔ آر کینٹ ہیوز

The difference between appreciation and flattery is simple.... Dale Carnegie ---- AKSHR


The difference between appreciation and flattery is simple. One is sincere and the other insincere. One comes from the heart out; the other from the teeth out. One is unselfish; the other selfish. One is universally admired; the other universally condemned. Dale Carnegie

تعریف اور چاپلوسی میں سادہ سا فرق سادہ ہے. ایک مخلص اور دوسرا مطلبی۔ ایک دل سے نکلتی ہے۔ دوسری محض زباں سے ۔ ایک بے لوث دوسری خود غرض۔ ایک کی عالمی سطح پر تعریف کی جاتی ہے۔ دوسری کی عالمی سطح پر مذمت کی گئی ہے۔ ڈیل کارنیگی