

Thursday 4 July 2024

Balance in activity, --- SS RAVI SHANKAR --- AKSHR


Balance in activity, balance in food and balance in your rest, your sleep, will bring equilibrium within you.

In life's grand tapestry, balance is the thread

That weaves each act and deed, to bring us to a stead

Of equilibrium, where mind and body find

Their harmony, in rest and sleep, so divine

The world outside may spin and dance with fray

But within, let balance be the guiding way

To keep our thoughts and actions in due time

And bring us peace, as day becomes night's rhyme

The food we eat, the activities we choose

Must find a balance, to keep our bodies loose

Too much of one, and imbalance we'll find

Too little of the other, and our health will decline

So let us strive for balance, day by day

In all we do, and all we say

For in that balance, we'll find our way

To a life of harmony, in every single way

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