

Saturday 18 May 2024

“Criminals should be punished, not fed pastries.” ― Lemony Snicket --- AKSHR


Oh, the sweet delicacies of the baked treat,

A delight for the taste, but a curse for the feet.

For those who commit crimes, they should not be fed,

Pastries that is, but punishment instead.


Their actions bring harm, and their deeds are wrong,

So let them not savor the sweetness so long.

A life of crime, a life of pain,

No pastries for the ones who cause the gain.


The law should be strict, and the punishment severe,

For those who break it, there should be no fear.

No more cakes and cookies, no more delight,

But punishment that fits the crime in sight.


So let us stand strong, and make a stand,

Against the criminals, with a firm hand.

No pastries for the wicked and the bold,

But punishment that teaches, and makes them old.


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