

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Besides love and sympathy, animals exhibit other qualities ---- Charles Darwin ---- AKSHR

Besides love and sympathy, animals exhibit other qualities connected with the social instincts would be called moral which in us.”

In realms of nature, where creatures roam free,

Besides love and sympathy, other traits we see,

Moral compass guiding them, a code to abide,

A social hierarchy, where each plays its side.

Their societies built on cooperation and might,

A delicate balance, where each plays its part in the fight,

Communication key, to avoid strife and despair,

A language unique, to show they truly care.

Empathy and compassion, a virtue they do share,

A helping hand, to those in need, without a single care,

Altruism and kindness, a trait they do display,

A moral compass, guiding them on their way.

So let us learn from nature, and take heed of their ways,

And strive to cultivate, these moral traits in our own days,

For in empathy and kindness, we find our greatest strength,

And in cooperation, a bond that will forever length. 

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