

Monday 27 May 2024

1. "The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one." - Malcolm S. Forbes ---- AKSHR


In schools of thought, a truth we find,

That learning's purpose is to unwind,

The mind, once closed, now open wide,

With knowledge, wisdom to abide.


The purpose of education's plain,

To fill the void with gain,

A heart and mind that's open wide,

With dreams and hopes to take their ride.


The empty mind, a canvas blank,

Awaits the brush of thought and tank,

The open mind, a work of art,

A masterpiece, a brand new heart.


The mind that's open learns to see,

The world in all its glee,

A world of wonder, full of glee,

A world of dreams, for you and me.


So let us learn, let us grow,

And fill our minds with knowledge so,

That we may find our true potential,

And live a life that's full and mental.

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