

Sunday 25 February 2024

“Our love is like a secret garden, blooming with passion.” .... Unknown --- AKSHR

“Our love is like a secret garden, blooming with passion.”


In this secret garden of our love,

The petals of passion bloom above,

A flourishing flower, so pure and true,

A bond so strong, our hearts entwined anew.


The scent of rose and jasmine fills the air,

Our love, a fragrance beyond compare,

A haven of delight, where we confide,

In each other's arms, our hearts reside.


The trees of love, they tower high,

A canopy of joy, they do not die,

Their leaves of laughter, they rustle and sway,

In the breeze of our love, they play.


The sun of our love, it shines so bright,

Warming our skin, banishing the night,

The stars of our love, they twinkle and gleam,

A celestial show, a dream so serene.

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