

Saturday 14 October 2023

The beginning of everything is atoms and void — Democritus --- AKSHR

The beginning of everything is atoms and void, and everything else is perception.

—  Democritus, 470-370 BC, Ancient Greek philosopher


In the vast expanse of existence,

Where the void and atoms dance with ease,

The beginning of all things we find,

In the quantum realm, where matter entwines.


The atoms, tiny and yet so grand,

The building blocks of all we hold in hand,

Their movements and combinations, a sight to see,

The birth of all things, in simplicity.


But perception, a curious thing,

A filter through which we view the world we bring,

Our senses, a window to the mind,

A lens that shapes our understanding, we find.


The void, a canvas for our dreams,

A space where thoughts and ideas gleam,

The atoms, the brushstrokes of desire,

The painting of existence, a burning fire.


The beginning of all things, a dance of might,

The atoms and void, a cosmic delight,

A universe of possibilities, a world so bright,

A beginning of everything, a wondrous sight.

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