

Thursday 19 October 2023

In twisted tongues, they speak of divine will..... AKSHR


In twisted tongues, they speak of divine will

In twisted tongues, they speak of divine will,

Their words a web of deceit, a wily still.

With scripture as a shield, they justify their crimes,

Their selfish desires, clothed in righteous cloth, a shroud of lies.


Their hearts are black, their minds a twisted maze,

Their actions born of greed, their words a crafty haze.

They prey on the weak, with false promises to entice,

Their true intentions, hidden behind a veil of nice.


But beware, my friend, of those who claim to know,

The will of God, as if they held the key to show.

For in their hearts, they serve but one desire,

Their own self-interest, a burning, consuming fire.


Their words are hollow, their actions false and cold,

Their devotion to God, a mere pretense, a story to be told.

So beware, my friend, of those who claim to know,

The will of God, for they are but wolves in sheep's clothing, I foretell.

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