

Tuesday 13 June 2023



It would be picturesque to go

Against a marigold sky up in smoke

With glee-inflamed logs, a Brahmin’s heedless

Mantra and stench-killing incense.


So release oneself

To another incarnation, to be cast

In a final handful to

A river clogged with washed out sins.


Or one could slide into

An incinerator and come out packed

In a box, to be forgotten in an attic

Or disposed hurriedly of in a plot.


It would be colorful to go

Gonged down long streets with wailing

Relatives in sacks and gaudy paper houses,

Cardboard cars by the yard


And money in wads,

Paper pagodas to light joss-sticks in,

And all luxuries

Fire could burn to another world.

To be left for vultures to pick

At leisure, leaving only

A shovel full of bones on the tower

Would be silent perpetuation.

Or one could credit All to an archaeologist.

For millennium’s stand almost like oneself,

Painted, attended, surrounded by serpent richness.


But the cleanest, cheapest way

Is to be buried where nothing irks,

Where grass covers, the berry sends

Down roots and the worm world works.

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