

Thursday 11 May 2023

A true devotee _____ PALTO ______ AKSHR

A true devotee

The mark of faithful wife

Is to be kind and affectionate to all.

Kind and affectionate to all,

She serves with humility the entire household.

She is obedient to her parents-in-law

And respectful to her husband’s brothers and sisters.

Lovingly she prepares food for them

And she makes their beds with care.

Then when they are all asleep,

She steals to her husband’s chamber.

All others are kept pleased,

Though her attention is always with him.

Such, indeed, must be the way of the disciple

In order to twin life’s game.

She is sweet and good to all, O Palto

But completely absorbed in lord.

The mark of faithful wife

is to be kind and affectionate to all.


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