

Sunday 21 May 2023

People without self-awareness go ____ AKSHR

People without self-awareness go 

through life simply reacting out of habit. 


Little decisions you make alter your life, ___ AKSHR

Little decisions you make alter your life, 

but they rarely do so all at once.


It is About Being Real ____ AKSHR

Life is Not About Being Rich, Being Popular, Being Highly Educated, or Being Perfect. It is About Being Real, Being Humble, And Being Kind!


the best teachers educate young

the best teachers educate young 

people for life, not school.


Friendship is Getting into Her car even ____ AKSHR

Friendship is Getting into Her car even 

Though Her Driving Makes You

Fear for Your Life.


we are living our fears. ____ AKSHR

Too many of us are not living our dreams

 because we are living our fears.


Your time is limited, so don’t waste _____ AKSHR

Your time is limited, so don’t waste

 it living someone else’s life.


Make It a Nice Place to Be. _____ AKSHR

You Spend Most of your life Inside Your

Head. Make It a Nice Place to Be.


Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances ____ AKSHR


Don’t worry about failures, worry about the 

chances you miss when you don’t even try.

Once in lifetime You Meet Someone Who ____ AKSHR


Once in lifetime You Meet Someone Who

Changes Everything...

Saturday 20 May 2023

Sunday 14 May 2023

Helpless, hopeless; with burden of colorless life ___ AK ____ AKSHR

Helpless, hopeless; with burden of colorless life

Whether will be tough, atmosphere will be silent.


wine is tasteless in front of wine-bibber ___ AK ____ AKSHR

wine is tasteless

in front of wine-bibber

so not to speak of taste of water

in front of thirsty


sun has hidden itself ____ AK ___ AKSHR

sun has hidden itself

nothing is beautiful

flowers are quite colorless

we all are apart


It is wish and cry of, A fish and of water. ____ AK ____AKSHR


The taste of sour water of my sea,

Is more than the honey of yours,

So let me go in my water,

Where everything is to me.

It is wish and cry of,

A fish and of water.

Friday 12 May 2023

All possess a strong desire ____ PALTU ____ AKSHR

The prince, the pauper,

And the Faqir who wanders with ash smeared on his body,

All possess a strong desire

To become the focus of everyone’s gaze.

Walk not away from action until your object is attained. ____ PALTU ____ AKSHR

Walk not away from action until your object is attained.

lost in the world, without a foothold in the other,

Neither here nor there are you, only dangling in between.

The man in penance doubly burns— ____ PALTU ____ AKSHR

The man in penance doubly burns—

Worry leaves no one untouched.

The wave emanates from ocean, and merges back into it. ___ PALTU ____ AKSHR


The wave emanates from ocean, 

and merges back into it.

Even fire, which consumes all, ____ PALTU _____ AKSHR

Even fire, which consumes all,

is itself consumed in the end.


But saliva is color and tongue is brush. ____ AK _____ AKSHR

Cheeks Yes fair cheeks

Finest, elegant and Softest

thing on heaven and earth both

But not for kissing

It is only for painting

Yes, for painting

But saliva is color and tongue is brush.


Thursday 11 May 2023

The worship of idols filled me with remorse, ____ PALTU____ AKSHR

The worship of idols filled me with remorse,

For I saw nothing but stones.


Only when the mind turns inwards ____ PALTU ____ AKSHR

Only when the mind turns inwards

Can bliss be obtained;

Futile are its outward tendencies.


Dadu, O foolish one! Restrain this mind, ____ DADU ____ AKSHR

Dadu, O foolish one! Restrain this mind,

Keep it confined within.

A true devotee _____ PALTO ______ AKSHR

A true devotee

The mark of faithful wife

Is to be kind and affectionate to all.

Kind and affectionate to all,

She serves with humility the entire household.

She is obedient to her parents-in-law

And respectful to her husband’s brothers and sisters.

Lovingly she prepares food for them

And she makes their beds with care.

Then when they are all asleep,

She steals to her husband’s chamber.

All others are kept pleased,

Though her attention is always with him.

Such, indeed, must be the way of the disciple

In order to twin life’s game.

She is sweet and good to all, O Palto

But completely absorbed in lord.

The mark of faithful wife

is to be kind and affectionate to all.


Sunday 7 May 2023

None stands by you save One Omniscient, ____ SAMI ____ AKSHR

None stands by you save One Omniscient,

 scan all, Sami pronounce Truth, shun out all rumors, be subtle, 

Find God nearer to your eyes, if you realize within.


بنا رب رفيق، ڪنهنجو ڪونه ڪاٿهين، سوڌي ڪو سامي چئي، طالبن تحقيق،

سٽي خام خيال سڀ، ٿيا بيحد باريڪ، نينن کون نجديڪ، پيهي ڏٺاؤن پاڻ ۾۔


کوٸ کسی کا نہیں کہیں بھی، چھان بین کر کے کوٸ، دیکھے باریک بینی سے،

ماسوا رب رفیق کے،  جو آنکھوں سے قریب تر ہے، تیرے اندر اجاگر ہے۔


They ever find One, within and without. _____ SAMI ____ AKDHR


Lovers know not hell n heaven, 

they ever are in love, without any doubt, 

              They ever find One, within and without.

سرڳ ۽ نرڪ عاشق ڄاڻڻ ڪين ڪي،

رهن سدا سنسي ري، گگن منجھ غرق،

اندر ٻاهر هڪ،  سامي ڏسن سپرين۔


جنت اور دوزخ ، عاشق کو انجان،

رہتے ہیں سدا  وہ ،  موج میں مستان،

وسوسوں سے دور، اندر میں آستان،

کریں نہ غیر گمان، اندر باہر ایک ہے!!

Saturday 6 May 2023

You who sleep, wake up, one should not sleep so much ____ SHAH ____ AKSHR

You who sleep, wake up, one should not sleep so much,

Union with royal beloved cannot be attained by sleeping. 382


Even if you are skilled, pose as unskilled, ____SHAH ____ AKSHR

Even if you are skilled, pose as unskilled, 

this is place of ignorant,

Only those get admittance, who forget their self. 338


Talent is not by caste, whoever works hard achieves ____ SHAH ____AKSHR

Talent is not by caste, whoever works hard achieves 336

You are sapar, I am supplicant, you are bestower, I am all fault,____ SHAH _____ AKSHR


You are sapar, I am supplicant, you are bestower, I am all fault,

You are Paaraas, I am iron, a touch of you would make me gold. 343

You are Paaruss, I am iron ore you touch me _____ SHAH ____ AKSHR


You are Paaruss, I am iron ore you touch me 

I will be transform me into gold. 335

Friday 5 May 2023

O patched garb wearer seeing many colored flowers, _____ SHAH ___ AKSHR

O patched garb wearer seeing many colored flowers, 

don’t think of multiplicity,

Identify the one who is this as well that. 242

Happy as they are in their suffering, ____ SHAH ____ AKSHR

Happy as they are in their suffering, 

they will never be free of love. 193

Take my message and deliver it to my beloved: _____ SHAH ____ AKSHR

Take my message and deliver it to my beloved:

Darling, what made you stay away so long?

Separated from you I languish grievously. 288

Thursday 4 May 2023

Learn, dear friend, the way of love from the kiln ____ SHAH ____ AKSHR

Learn, dear friend, the way of love from the kiln 

though it burns all day, it does not let the vapor escape. 27 


The love secrets grew tall in belly foils like trees in riverine track, _____ SHAH ____ AKSHR

The love secrets grew tall in belly foils like trees in riverine track, 

I did not confide in others and beloved did not meet me alone. 22 


I plan to relate all to her, but when I meet her, I forget all ____ SHAH ___ AKSHR


I plan to relate all to her, 

but when I meet her, I forget all 20

Wednesday 3 May 2023

running from problem does not solve it ____ AKSHR

running from problem does not solve it

Running from a problem or avoiding it may provide temporary relief or escape, but it typically does not solve the underlying issue. In fact, avoiding problems can often make them worse or lead to additional problems in the future.

Ignoring a problem can allow it to fester and grow, making it more difficult to resolve when it eventually must be addressed. This can also lead to a sense of anxiety or unease, as the problem remains unresolved and continues to weigh on our minds.

Conversely, facing problems head-on and working to resolve them can lead to growth, learning, and personal development. By confronting our problems and seeking solutions, we can gain a sense of empowerment and control over our lives, and build resilience and confidence in our abilities to handle challenges.

Furthermore, confronting problems can also lead to improved relationships with others. When we address issues directly and constructively, we can build trust and mutual respect with others, and strengthen our connections and bonds.

Overall, while it can be tempting to avoid problems or run from them, doing so typically does not lead to positive outcomes. By facing problems directly and seeking solutions, we can grow and develop as individuals, improve our relationships with others, and ultimately find greater peace and happiness in our lives.


sharing enthusiasm can be donation ------- AKSHR

sharing enthusiasm can be donation

Sharing enthusiasm can indeed be a form of donation. When we share our passion and excitement for a particular cause, activity, or idea, we can inspire others to get involved and make a difference.

Enthusiasm is contagious, and when we share it with others, we can create a ripple effect of positive energy and engagement. By sharing our enthusiasm, we can encourage others to take action, contribute their time and resources, and become advocates for the causes and activities that matter to us.

Moreover, sharing enthusiasm can also be a way of giving back to our communities and society as a whole. When we share our passion and knowledge with others, we can help to educate and inform them about important issues, and inspire them to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others.

Finally, sharing enthusiasm can also be a way of connecting with others and building relationships. By sharing our interests and passions, we can find like-minded individuals who share our values and goals, and create meaningful connections and collaborations.

Overall, sharing enthusiasm can be a powerful form of donation. By inspiring others to get involved and make a difference, we can create positive change and build stronger, more connected communities and societies.