

Sunday 16 April 2023

To change one’s life: 1. Start immediately. 2. Do it flamboyantly. 3. No exceptions. ― William James _____AKSHR

To Change Your Life


To change one’s life: 

1. Start immediately. 

2. Do it flamboyantly. 

3. No exceptions. 

― William James



Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved to sing.

She sang in the shower and down at the river,

she sang at her grandmother’s house and on the bus,

and she even sang when she was angry.

Without ever having been told it was wrong to do so,

she felt that singing was something you were supposed to do all the time.


One day, she went to her grandmother’s house and was singing a song,

when suddenly she heard a man say “shh!”

He said that it was not very ladylike to sing in public,

and that ladies should only sing at home.

She was sad and confused when he said this, but she stopped singing.

She thought he must know more than her about what is right, because he is an adult.

And so she decided to follow his advice and only sing at home.


Years later, she still loved to sing but had never sung out loud again.

She felt guilty for doing things that were not ladylike and silly for being angry with people who told her not to do it anymore.

But then one day she realized: What if I want to be a singer?

What if I want to be silly? What if I want to be angry with people? What if I want to do all of these things? Who is going to stop me from doing them now?

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