

Wednesday 1 February 2023

Beautiful Things _____ AKSHR


Beautiful Things


Next time you think of beautiful things, don’t forget to count yourself in.


Next time you think of beautiful things, don’t forget to count yourself in.

Next time you think of beautiful things, don’t forget to count yourself in.

Next time you think of beautiful things, don’t forget to count yourself in.

Too many times I have been the person who is not counted in.

Too many times I have been a thing that was not counted in.

Too many times I have been a person who was not counted in.

Too many times the world has forgotten me because I am different from other people.

But next time you think of beautiful things, don’t forget to count yourself in.

Don’t forget to count me in.

Next time you think of beautiful things, don’t forget to count yourself in.

_____ AKSHR 

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