

Tuesday 28 February 2023

Life is not fair ____ AKSHR

Life is not fair

"Life is not fair" is a common expression that acknowledges the fact that life often presents challenges and obstacles that are not necessarily equitable or just. It is a recognition that despite our best efforts or intentions, we may not always achieve the outcomes we desire, and that there are many factors outside of our control that can impact our lives.

The notion that life is not fair is often seen as a response to situations where individuals feel that they have been treated unfairly, or where they have experienced hardship or adversity. It is a way of acknowledging that life can be difficult, and that we may need to work harder or overcome greater obstacles than others in order to achieve our goals.

At the same time, the expression "life is not fair" can also be seen as a call to action. It can be a reminder that we have the power to create change and to work towards greater fairness and equality in our lives and in society as a whole. By recognizing the injustices that exist in the world, we can take steps to address them and create a more just and equitable world for all.



Misadventures of faith _____ AKSHR

Misadventures of faith

"Misadventures of faith" is a term that refers to the negative consequences that can arise from religious or spiritual beliefs and practices. While religion and spirituality can provide individuals with a sense of meaning, purpose, and community, they can also be the source of conflict, oppression, and harm.

Some misadventures of faith might include religious intolerance or extremism, the perpetuation of harmful gender or racial stereotypes, the marginalization or exclusion of certain groups, or the abuse of power by religious leaders or institutions.

At the same time, it's important to recognize that misadventures of faith are not inherent to religion or spirituality themselves, but rather are the result of the way in which individuals and communities choose to interpret and practice their beliefs. Many religious and spiritual traditions have also been a force for positive social change and have inspired individuals to work for justice, compassion, and the common good.

Overall, the concept of misadventures of faith underscores the importance of critically examining religious and spiritual beliefs and practices, and of working to ensure that they promote compassion, tolerance, and social justice.


The Real Reason for the Season _____ AKSHR

The Real Reason for the Season

It's a little magic trick yu can play on yourself.

Whenever you feel sad and lonely,

 just smile and close your eyes.

Do it as many times as you have to.

_____ AKSHR


Monday 27 February 2023

The first line of his entire poem _____ AKSHR

The first line of his entire poem


If you always attach positive emotions to the things you want, 

and never attach negative emotions to the things you don't, 

then that which you desire most will invariably come your way


If you never attach anxiety to the things you want, 

then you will be happy


If you never attach fear to the things you want, 

then that which you desire most will invariably come your way


If you never attach sadness to the things you want, 

then that which you desire most will invariably come your way


If you never attach anger to the things you want, then that which you desire most will invariably come your way

If you never attach self-pity to the things you want, 

then that which you desire most will invariably come your way

_____ AKSHR 

The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors ______ AKSHR

The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors; 

that which it loves, and also that which it fears


In the field, a woman who has lost her child searches for 

brown leaves which might be his 

as if she were looking for fruit in an orchard. 

She finds a few and holds them to her breast.

She presses the leaves against her skin and prays. 

Later, when the wind comes, 

the leaves scatter like birds and fly away.

______ AKSHR 


If the Butterfly Wings Its Way to the Sweet Light That Attracts It, _____ AKSHR


If the Butterfly Wings Its Way to the Sweet Light That Attracts It,

It’s Only Because It Doesn’t Know That the Fire Can Consume It.


If the butterfly wings its way to the sweet light that attracts it, it’s only because it doesn’t know that the fire can consume it.

Without knowing, it comes to be consumed,

and in its ignorance it vanishes into flame.

Then from the ashes of that fire, another butterfly arises...

A new life is born and once again a creature

hell-bent on flying toward the light—a light that will inevitably burn it up.

All living things are drawn toward the light of their own destruction.


Sunday 26 February 2023

The Love Song _____ AKSHR


The Love Song 

What's love, you ask? 

It's a racing heart and 

a flood of endorphins every time

 you hear the cell phone ring.

Without love, you're a withering seedling, 

destined to die.

Without love, you're a washed-up actor 

with no money to pay your rent.

Without love, the pigeons will 

shit on you as you sleep in the park.

Without love, the universe is just 

a bunch of particles smashing into each other.

Love is not lust: 

lust is selfish and fleeting; 

it's every man for himself.

Love is not sex: 

sex can be used as an instrument of power;

 it's all about opinions and ratings.

Love is not security: 

it's a trap, 

and the more you want it, 

the more you're stuck.

Love is not a dream: 

dreams are for the young, 

and love is for the old.

Love is not a promise: 

promises are for fools 

who think they can predict their future.

Love is not an illusion: 

illusions are what we see 

when we don't know what's really going on.

Love is not power: 

power is something you use to make someone 

do what you want them to do; 

it's control without intimacy.

Love is not family: 

family members are people you share blood with; 

love requires choice.

What's love? 

It's a racing heart and 

a flood of endorphins 

every time you hear the cell phone ring.


Are you the One?

You are the most precious person in my life; 

a once-in-a-lifetime find. 

I want to draw you, paint you.

Take me to quiet places where 

I don’t have to say anything. 

Without words, without questions, 

just sit with me while my heart beats 

its way into your fingers and palms.

I want to feel you in my hair, 

on my lips, in my hands. 

I want to sleep with you and wake up with you 

and say "this is my life now."

I am the luckiest girl in the world because of you.



Saturday 25 February 2023

The Doctor and The Patient _____ AKSHR

The Doctor and The Patient


To love is nothing to be loved is love and be loved is everything.

without the lover there is no love and without the beloved there is no love.


the doctor and the patient,

a hospital bed,

the doctor in a white lab coat,

the patient with her legs parted and her head thrown back.

The doctor holding his stethoscope to her breast.

He wonders what happened to cause this.

The patient says she has been sick for a long time but doesn’t know exactly what it is.

She only knows that she is ill and needs help.



Sand Hill _____ AKSHR

Sand Hill


I love you more than all the grains of sand on the Earth and all the stars in the sky combined.


Around the sun and around the moon, through every desert, sea and river,


through every prairie and every tree, in all of time.

Without hesitation or end.


More than all seashells on the shore in a million lifetimes and all bird calls that ever existed—

I love you more than those sounds combined:

I love you more than all the grains of sand on the Earth and all the stars in the sky combined.



I love you so much that I’m going crazy ____ AKSHR

I love you so much that I’m going crazy


I love you so much that I’m going crazy. I can’t stop thinking and dreaming about you. Only it makes me feel alive and gives my life a meaning.

Without you, I can’t breathe.

I love you so much that I’m going crazy. I can’t stop thinking and dreaming about you. Only it makes me feel alive and gives my life a meaning.

Without you, I can’t breathe

____ AKSHR


Thursday 23 February 2023

An Ethics of Attention ____ AKSHR

An Ethics of Attention


Ethics is in origin the art of 

recommending to others the sacrifices 

required for cooperation with oneself


Ethics is the art of recommending to others the 

sacrifices required for your cooperation with yourself


Ethics is in origin

____ AKSHR

Together they make the world._____ AKSHR

Win and You Lose


Hammer your thoughts into unity.

Hammer them until they are all the same thing.

Hammer them until they look like your face,

And you cannot tell a hammer from your head.

Without friction, without heat, without noise,

You will be as God meant you to be.

Forget: there is no ‘I’ in team.

The world would not exist if it were not for teams,

Teams of people working together to create the world.

There is no ‘I’ in team.

Many hands make light work; many mouths make music;

Many bees make a hive; many voices make harmony;

Many raindrops make a lake; many leaves make a forest;

Many spokes make a wheel.

All hands, all mouths, all bees, all leaves, all spokes:

Together they make the world.


Cigarette, drinking tea, cigarettes ____ AKSHR

Cigarette, drinking tea, cigarettes


Smoking, drinking, or any other habit, is an escape from your own nervousness or disturbed state.

I cannot watch people smoke a cigarette because it is a reminder of their own weakness.

It makes me want to say, "you don't need to do this, because you are strong."

I am not saying I like the smell of cigarettes or that I would ever try one.

But the truth is I have a bad habit too.

I drink tea, coffee and Coke before noon every day.

It's a way to escape my own nervousness.

I don't want to do this all the time, but I can't stop.

The caffeine is in the tea and coffee, which makes me feel like I am alert.

I drink Coke because it reminds me of my childhood.

This may sound weird, but it's true that I become more relaxed with every sip.


Wednesday 22 February 2023

You are my world _____ AKSHR

You are my world


Happiness is holding someone in your arms 

and knowing you hold the whole world.


Happiness is remembering what you love 

about yourself and feeling a little bit stronger.

_____ AKSHR


A Note on Falling in Love ____ AKSHR


A Note on Falling in Love

Falling in love is like jumping off a really tall building. 

Your brain tells you it’s not a good idea, 

but your heart tells you, you can fly


We were everything in this world that mattered. _____ AKSHR


Nothing So Strange


Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, 

love gives us a fairy tale meeting, 

the kind where you know instantly 

that you have found the one person for you. 

It feels like destiny, and it was.

Without a word spoken between us, 

we knew everything we needed to know and more.

The two of us were enough. 

We were more than enough. 

We were everything in this world that mattered.

_____ AKSHR