

Tuesday 6 December 2022

A Message ____ AKSHR

A Message


Anticipation of pleasure is, in itself, a very considerable pleasure.

Without taking this into account, our whole lives would be unraveled.


I’d like to say I am writing this in response to your letter,


but the truth is that I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon.


Still, I know that when we finally get together—and we will, soon—I will understand what you have written.


It has been a long time since we were young and walked these streets together.

The city is different now, but it was always changing anyway.

In some ways, it was never what we thought it was or could be at all.

You’ll find that I have changed as well, but then again, so have you.


I hope we can talk about the things that happened and didn’t happen.


I hope we can remember what was lost or found.


We will get to it eventually. But for now, I am left with anticipation of pleasure.


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