

Sunday 27 November 2022

Water for Drinking and for Fire, Water for Dying ____ AKSHR

Water for Drinking and for Fire, Water for Dying

Because you are alive, everything is possible.

You may be a man or a woman or both.

You may be in the moment, or in the future.

Without you, there would be no map of your body,

no scar on your knee from when you fell off your bike,

no bruise under your left eye from when you were born.


No childhood, no adolescence, no marriage.

No children to grow up and have their own children.

You can paint with words a picture of how things were,

and another of how they will be when you are gone.

You can tell stories about yourself that are not true: 

fictions based on fact.

You can be a warrior, you can be a poet.

You may not know what you want to do with your life, 

but you are alive, so everything is possible.

 ____ AKSHR 

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