

Sunday 20 November 2022

The Unpublished Manuscript _____ AKSHR

The Unpublished Manuscript

Focus is more important than intelligence.

I’ve always known that the pen is mightier than the sword.

Poets can be dangerous.

They write about forbidden things,

and for that reason, all of my poetry has been unpublished.

I write about how I feel, and that makes me very dangerous.

A man who writes his feelings down in a book is dangerous; 

he shouldn’t be allowed to live.

My wife says that I should be published, but publishers are afraid of what I might say.

One publisher sent me some of his poetry to look over and asked if I thought he should publish it or not.

I read it, and I was very impressed; it’s not as good as mine, but it’s still very good.

I told him that he should publish his own work,

and I would never publish mine.

The man who wrote the poetry is more intelligent than me,

but I know the value of focus.

_____ AKSHR 


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