

Wednesday 9 November 2022

Hail, Moon! ____ AKSHR

Hail, Moon!


You are my North, my South, my East and West, 

the sun of my morning and the night to my day!


My beginning and my end, 

my life and source of all that I am!


You are the mother of life, 

and whole worlds are yours to hold!

Without you, I would be 

but a simple soul without meaning or hope.

But with you, 

I can feel the ebb and flow of time.


I can see the light of day for miles around you, 

like a beacon in the night!

For the stars themselves 

hide from your radiant glow.

Yet still they dance before your presence 

in silent tribute to one so glorious.

And though we remain in darkness, 

it is but an illusion under your watchful eye.

For you alone hold power over both 

the sun's rising and its setting on our world below.

Yet even as we experience such vastness together, 

it is but an infinitesimal fraction of who you really are.

For how then could I 

ever hope to comprehend what lies beyond?

____ AKSHR

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