

Wednesday 30 November 2022

Speak _____ AKSHR



Laughter, acceptance, love.

These are the things I think of

whenever I think of you.


Speak, says the moon.


The trees are telling stories about

what it's like to be inside a cloud.

Without you, I have nothing to say.

I am too shy to talk to the fireflies

and owls that visit me in my dreams.

Without you, I'm afraid of the dark.

I don't know how to name

the shapes and colors that

move thoughtlessly through my days.

Without you, I am lost.

_____ AKSHR


You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful ____ AKSHR

You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful

You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful

she is beautiful because you love her.


She is not loveable because she is beautiful,

but she is beautiful because you love her.


You don’t love a woman because she is pretty;

she is pretty because you love her.


She is not loveable because she is pretty,

but she is pretty because you love her.

____ AKSHR 


Falling in Love with You ____ AKSHR

Falling in Love with You


Meeting you was fate,

becoming your friend was a choice,

but falling in love with you I had no control over


you were the sun around which I orbited,

 you were my moon, my stars, you were my sky,

you were the earth below me and I fell in love with you.

____ AKSHR 


She Sings of Ships and Souls at Peace ____ AKSHR

She Sings of Ships and Souls at Peace


You are the reason why I have sleepless nights.

You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight.

And you are the reason I can't sleep without saying goodnight.

____ AKSHR 



Tuesday 29 November 2022

Away from this place and these people ____ AKSHR

Away from this place and these people


Make your own destiny.

Don’t wait for it to come to you,

life is not a rehearsal


You’re in a running race.

Don’t wait for the gun to go off,

life is not a rehearsal.

____ AKSHR 


What is a Life? _____ AKSHR

What is a Life?


It is one life whether we spend it laughing or weeping

and when I think of my own death, it is always in love

where every moment is light and its opposite dark,

and for this reason there is a kind of comfort in death.

_____ AKSHR 



The Absence of Proof____ AKSHR

The Absence of Proof


Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

This is the only way to live.


In a world where an absence of proof

is not proof of absence,

we learn to trust our senses:

the stillness of a room,

the clarity of a window,

the silence in the middle of the night.

We believe in things

we cannot see: love, virtue, grace.

In a world where an absence of proof is not proof of absence,

we find ourselves in a world where nothing is true

and everything is possible.

____ AKSHR 

You Already Know ____ AKSHR

You Already Know


What is the point of life if you are not

spending it with someone you love?


The thought is so simple,

So obvious it’s hard to hear.

The answer comes quickly:

There is no point.


What is the point of life if you are not

spending it with someone you love?

____ AKSHR 


If You Want to be Happy ____AKSHR

If You Want to be Happy


It is one life whether we spend it laughing or weeping

Or whether we spend it doing nothing or something

It is one life whether we spend it in a prison or a palace

Whether we give it away or hoard it up for ourselves alone

It is one life and what comes out of us comes from us

And goes back again like blood into the heart's red pumping source.



Monday 28 November 2022

A Bibliography of Learning ____AKSHR


A Bibliography of Learning


If learning is an act of exploration, then technology equips the explorer for the journey of a lifetime.

Without books and maps, the explorer would have to memorize everything. The exploration might never begin.

Without a compass, the explorer would become lost in an endless labyrinth of dead-ends.

Without a map, he wouldn't know where to go next.

Without a radio, he would never know what discoveries had already been made by other explorers.

And without a map or radio, he wouldn't be able to communicate with home base.

The explorer would never know when to go home.


Of All the Things You Wear ____ AKSHR


Of All the Things You Wear


Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important

You keep it as a tight-rope walker keeps her balance

She knows she is a target, and that all eyes are on her

It’s like you’re holding yourself up by your eyebrows

Your body language is all in your face

But you can’t be too careful, or people will talk

____  AKSHR

Sunday 27 November 2022

Give every day the chance ____ AKSHR

Give every day the chance


Give every day the chance to become 

the most beautiful day of your life.

Give every day the chance to become a gift.

Give yourself that chance.

Give your sorrows and anxieties 

a chance to fall away.

Give your grief a chance to be received by 

the earth and transformed into flowers, trees, rivers.

Give your love a chance to reach out 

and touch someone you don’t know.

Give every day the chance to become a blessing.

____ AKSHR 

We’re All in This Together ____ AKSHR

We’re All in This Together


In true love, you attain freedom.

It’s the key to happiness.

All the weight of aching, all the pain

and resentment and regret: they disappear.


And you know that life is not about what

you can get out of it, but what you can give.

Without it, 

your days are just a series of moments,

little boxes with nothing inside. 

But when you love—

when you love someone enough to forgive them—

you find yourself at peace.

 ____ AKSHR 

Water for Drinking and for Fire, Water for Dying ____ AKSHR

Water for Drinking and for Fire, Water for Dying

Because you are alive, everything is possible.

You may be a man or a woman or both.

You may be in the moment, or in the future.

Without you, there would be no map of your body,

no scar on your knee from when you fell off your bike,

no bruise under your left eye from when you were born.


No childhood, no adolescence, no marriage.

No children to grow up and have their own children.

You can paint with words a picture of how things were,

and another of how they will be when you are gone.

You can tell stories about yourself that are not true: 

fictions based on fact.

You can be a warrior, you can be a poet.

You may not know what you want to do with your life, 

but you are alive, so everything is possible.

 ____ AKSHR 

Saturday 26 November 2022

We are most alive when we’re in love _____ AKSHR

We are most alive when we’re in love

We are most alive when we’re in love

or when we’re walking in the rain

or because we have eaten too much of the wrong thing

and are running to throw up, or letting go.

You are most alive when you’re in love

or when you’re walking in the rain

or because you have eaten too much of the wrong thing

and are running to throw up, or letting go.

_____ AKSHR


To make your own Eden ---- AKSHR

To make your own Eden

There is only one happiness in this life,
to love and be loved

To make your own Eden,
to be your own God

and each one of us at some point must
find it within ourselves to know

that we are not just alive but living inside
a story that is always being written.