

Wednesday 5 October 2022

The Value of a Man ____ AKSHR


The Value of a Man


The value of a man should be seen in 

what he gives and not in 

what he is able to receive.


It is not what he owns, 

but what he gives away 

that determines his true wealth.


He should be judged by 

the number of lives he touches and 

not by the things he has accomplished.


And yet how often does a man 

measure another man’s worth

in terms of the material goods he possesses?


It is not the clothes he wears, or the car he drives.

It is not how much money he has in his bank account 

or what prestigious address he lives in.


No, those are merely superficial trappings of 

success that don’t show a man’s true worth.


A man should be judged by his actions and deeds, 

not by the size of his paycheck.

He should be evaluated according to 

how many people’s lives have been 

affected for the better because of him.

____ AKSHR

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