

Thursday 13 October 2022

The Feeling of Loneliness ____ AKSHR

The Feeling of Loneliness


Distance unites missing beats of two hearts in love


and can make two people feel a long way apart


but the feeling of loneliness is still there.

Without the love, it is just loneliness.

Without the other person to share it with, 

the sadness becomes lonely.

It's not something that you want to do.

It's something that you have to do because 

you don't have a choice.

You need time to figure out how you're 

going to survive this loss.

So you go out and fill your days with things to do, 

places to see, and people to meet, but nothing changes.

The feeling of emptiness never leaves 

until you turn away from it and face 

what needs your attention most: yourself.

You need to learn how to be happy with just you.

This is the only way that you will be able to 

find someone that is right for you.

You deserve to find someone who will love you, 

unconditionally and without question.

To stand by your side, through the good times and the bad, 

and not judge what you do or say.

Someone who will make sure that no matter what happens, 

they are there for you.

And when they're gone, they'll still be in your heart, 

always present in every beat of your heart 

because they belong there too.

____ AKSHR


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