

Friday 16 September 2022

The Fire That Consumes Itself ___ AKSHR

The Fire That Consumes Itself


Dream is a hangover, 

something incomplete 

goes on trying to be complete


I’ve been thinking like a drunk lately

stumbling around, knocked over in the dark

looking for my shirt, my keys and my mind.

Without them, I’m just a body curled up on the floor

without even a shadow to call its own.


The night sweats have become an ordinary thing.

You wake up feeling like you’ve been wrestling 

with the sheets all night—and losing.

Even when it doesn’t rain, 

there’s always water dripping from your eyes.

Your mouth is dry as sandpaper 

from talking too much or not at all…

or maybe from never speaking at all.

The fire that consumes itself, 

a body on the verge of collapse…

You’re the one who starts the blaze.


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